August 25, 2010
Mikuni's concert!
写真禁止だ! So like any good boy, I didn't take any. なんか 悔しい! |
From the videos I saw on youtube, I always thought Mikuni-san is the more conservative type, then at the concert, I had a nice surprise! She was jumping around, full of energy, like a teen idol on stage, striking cute poses as she sings, capturing everyone's attention! Mikuni-san 萌え, 可愛い! 最高! Songs that I can remember that she sang: Alone Gensomaden Saiyuki- 2nd Ending Hare Hare Yukai Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu Mou Ichido Kimi Ni Aitai Full Metal Panic TSR Zangoku tenshi no Thesis Do I need to state which anime is it from? Kimi Ga Iru Kara (君がいるから) Fairy Tail 4th ending theme song Wow A full list of the songs she sang during the concert! Oh yah, this post refreshes my memory, she did Megumi-san(latest singer)'s Ai.Oboeteimasuka. Which....ahem... still liked the Megumi's version a little better. Maybe it's just habitual..hehe My signed Mikini poster ゲット! |
And photos that are up for grabs at the concert.. |
Not too related stuff Aya Hirano VS Konata- Sore ga ai deshou (LOL) |
Ai Oboeteimasuka Variations : What’s Your Favourite? (The jap characters on the site is messed up) |
Wow I found a video of mikuni-san "cosplaying" Ayumi. ha! |
Mikuni's new ANISON remix album. Quite a few of the album's songs are performed by Mikuni at the concert... |
There is a "only my railgun!" Momoi Halko ver. But no one can rival Yoshino-san in railgun! Muhaha! |
August 23, 2010
Combo post
What is a combo post? You are about to find out..
Inception |
Almost all the dream/brain concepts I can take it, I mean they sound logical. And to any movie, it is Realism, Reaism and Realism. There must be the click to the viewer, than the show is making sense, even if it is sci-fic, and talking einstein-speak. So how do you steal something in someone's mind? Well you enter their dreams! Fair enough. But the show fails to, didn't explain how the device that they use to connect dreams together, work. None, no explaination at all. They could have 'talked-cock' at least, rather than leaving it blank, which kept bugging me after the show. Second, if the plot is inside a dream, I expect something wierd-ier to happen. After all, it's not reality. Gun battles are too common! Can't they come out with having super powers like in the Matrix? |
The Last Airbender |
Straight after the movie, I dashed home to go online to take an IQ test, and crap my IQ really dropped. Then I pulled out the YOGA mat to control my breathing and blood pressure. Breathe, Victor, breathe. I told myself, concentrating on breathing. Which is followed by weeks of psychiatric therapies. Ok, I didn't do all that. But.. For years, I've not seen such a terrible movie. The dialogue are cheesy, to the bones! Halfway through the movie, I am enduring, I really wanted to walk out, but the critic in me wanted to finish the show out of fairness. The special effects, are wondrous-ly wasted on this film! If anyone wanted to see (contact)太极拳 or 洪拳, I have several of Jet Li's flicks I can lend you, most of them available in stores too. Is it bad acting of the in-experienced cast? For a movie to go that bad, I would say the bulk of the responsibility goes to the director. I have seen actors go from good for the first, then bad for the second. The reason I could come up with, is probably that a good director will know how to access and capitalise on the actor's abilities, devise the best way to film him, and the rest of the movie. At a time the movie industry is fighting an uphill battle against rampant piracy, this just doesn't gives the people the impression that the industry is in dire straits, and another reason that movies are not really worth our money. |
Salt |
A little predictable, nonetheless, still thrilling :) Angelina Jolie works her charm around this one as well. When you have a plot that flows/fits quite neatly with some real history, congratulations, you passed the first test. The scary thought that the movie presents is how many spys are among us, constantly reminding us how powerful brain-washing is, post-911. I mean everybody has a choice, or looks like they have. When you get to a Colonel, would you still serve as a spy and kamikaze yourself(volunturily) when the organisation requires? One of the more fun stuff one can look forward to is the ingenuity of SALT. Just one person, no team, no help, she can assasinate a president. Even a locked-down bunker, she can get herself inside! Wow! But it does inspire us that no situation is really hopeless |
Liar's Game |
When it is a tragic ending, ppl complain. A happy one also complain. Halfway throughout the TV series, it is widely portrayed that Nao-chan will and have to win the game. So the formidable team of top-class-Liar and 馬鹿正直-ばかり! (Shinichi-kun and Nao-chan) blazes on the final, and with some really unexpected help from Yokoya-kun. If he is interested in the 5 billion yen, he would have entered the game himself, but he gave up? But on the other side, the show does a great job, leading to everyone voting red apples in the end. It still bugs me, if realistically and logically, can this phenomenon really happen? That everybody trusts each other and votes red? All it takes is one traitor amongst them, like 'mushroom-head', and all trust is back to rock bottom. Remember this is the final round, all the contestants(that are left) are supposed to be inhuman, cold-blooded. |
Phua Chu Kang The movie |
Phua Chu Kang movie is another movie (after Airbender) where I don't know where the hell are the QC ppl, and what the hell is the director doing. I expected more from our Gurmit. The dialogue is like a sg-movie-from-ten-years-ago. Many of it ended promptly(very unnaturally), others don't make sense! To think that movie-makers are taking a back-step after all these years! It is not just the plot(which by the way is also horrible). If it is just another episode from the show, it might have been ok, but when we are talking a movie, you can't have thAT standard! The C-class jokes from the cast still works for me however, and is the saving grace of the show. How I miss Jack Neo now. |
August 21, 2010
CULTURE : JAPAN by Danny Choo
Here are 3 short clips from CULTURE : JAPAN by Danny Choo which I FINALLY unloaded. Wah, it took an hour to upload each of them! It is not complete, because I am too lazy to do everything.. :) Satomi-san kawaii ta na! |
CULTURE : JAPAN p3 (しっかりしろ! Wahaha! |
Local, local..
Well... not all National Day Songs are made equal, some are spectacular, some are ahem...ahem.. But this year's especially good..
NDP 2010 Theme Song - "Song for Singapore" by Corrinne May! |
[HD] Corrinne May - Song For Singapore (National Day Parade - August 9, 2010) |
[HD] Kit Chan - Home (National Day Parade - August 9, 2010) |
National Day Parade NDP 2010 (Part 1 of 13) |
Singlish Joke 新加坡的英文 死不夠力 |
"""we live in singapura """ |
August 15, 2010
August 13, 2010
Mikuni concert @ St.James
Chiketto are still selling! Whew.. I got to know the event so late(about a week to go now), I thought the tickets are sold out already! I've got to grab a friend or two along... See comments at Facebook... Other blogs about the event August is a busy month for みくに-さん. 14th, 15th at Seoul, 20th at Hong Kong, 22nd in Singapore! 大変疲れた! Will she and her band even have enough sleep??? For the un-initiated, 下川 みくに-さん, is quite active in the Ani-son field. She re-did quite a few ani-songs in one of her albums. I know her for FMP series, and Dragon Drive. relive the moments.. |
Full Metal Panic! OP |
Full Metal Panic! ED |
Full Metal Panic! TSR OP |
Full Metal Panic TSR - Mouichido kimi ni ai tai |
Dragon Drive Opening 1 |
Wah.. Youtube hard to find HQ, with credits, but without subs op/endings. haha. Hai~ I am quite sick of youtube, tired of sifting through endless parodies/fakes/repeated/ENG(OR ANY OTHER LANGUAGE)DUBS!!! youtube videos. Wasted so much of my time! Haha I hard to please ah! Wow on a sunday night at St.James! Another excuse for party animals! After the event, Powerstation, Dragonfly, Boiler to the morning before going to work! *whistle But it sort of strange it is there, a bit too complicated for an innocent guy like me. |
August 11, 2010
Figma Tainaka Ritsu
Ritsu figma figurine |
Macross Frontier - Itsuwari no Utahime movie and game(package) |
Tales of Vesperia 1/8 Scale Pre-painted PVC Figure: Yuri Lowell |
Mio's figurine |
Kamei Eri English Interview |
Doesn't cost anything to dream.. |
Super Mario Beatbox |
August 5, 2010
お前 の 借金, 一億円!
お前 の 借金, 一億円! Now that was some terrifying words to hear. In the Liar's Game, one hundred million yen is the basic unit block of the game. That is 1.56710341 million Singapore dollars(from google).
Japanese have quite a talent of churning out very sophisticated; intelligent; detective plots/schemes. Very good examples that come to my mind are Code Geass, Death Note. All these movies have unthinkable battles-of-wits, spectacular and epic. I can safely add Liar's game as one of them Starting off, we have the damsel-in-distress, our totally adorable, 馬鹿正直 の Nao-chan! (played by Toda Erika - who also played Misa in Death Note). Gullible and naive (who could still laugh after being played a prank on!), this character Just loved the moments when Nao-chan annouces: "Aha I've found the game's winning strategy!" その ゲーム わ 必勝法 が -ある ですよ! , only to be stared blankly by her team members for her |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
More Erika pics Now the "Liar's game" plot progresses into the movie. Everyone is waiting for the producers to awe us again. Who is the creator of the game? What is his motive? Can honesty prevail ironically in a Liar's game? (Hey we got a super rare glimpse of Nao-chan hatching a plot! Naughty Nao-chan! Liar Game: The Final Stage Trailer ....coming to cinemas 12 Aug 2010 |
WTH? Hollywood is doing a re-make on Death Note film? Why can't they leave us alone? |
Ahh.. 次 の 二ヶ月, 俺 わ この 世界 の 真実 を 求め。 何時か 皆 お 救い!
Everyday, even I've woken up, I don't feel like getting out of bed ah.. As Fukasaku-sama has said, staying still is not the same as doing nothing. I closed my eyes, try to feel the world around me. The cars whizzing past the road opposite my house. The rotating of the fan's blades. Then trying to imagine the people in the street (or the rest of the world) going to work. I do this everyday and not get tired about it! Muhahaha! "SONG" ah! After finishing Otome Tairan final episode, Crunchyroll fed me with a strange clip, Sumiko-chan! Ore mo totemo kawaii ko yo! Hahahaha. Must watch the second video! Although a lot of the song I don't understand, there is a portion where an auntie (kept) mistaking her name! "Watashi wa Tomiko de wa arimasen! SUMIKO DESU!" You've got to hear her say that! Damn funny! Crunchyroll doesn't allow embedding, so here is the link. Wait! I found the second video here, at youtube. |
August 4, 2010
HTC Touch 2
August 3, 2010
"only my railgun" and "My Soul, Your Beats!"
俺...... 引き籠もり に ...... なった!
今の俺, その 引き籠もり の 力 わ まだ 完璧 コントロール した。引き籠もり の 道 わ 辛い, 厳しい よ! As if to celebrate my rite-of-passage, my parcel arrives! And its free, I don't have to pay a cent for it! Courtesy of Standard Chartered Bank! As usual, PLAYASIA delivers around in 2 weeks. Here are my spoils... only my railgun, My Soul, Your Beats!, and a K-ON candy can. |
Athough I've only officially got 引き籠もり status on sunday, I started this lifestyle 2 weeks ago. I thought it'll be a relaxing period, I didn't expect to be still (so) busy with all the stuff I'm trying to do/would like to do. WTH! Like I've to stay up late to catch my fav National Geographic and Discovery programmes. They are never-ending! Once I've finish one, more comes up! (And it's a good thing Starhub didn't include the Discovery Science channel in its basic package, because I might have became a TV zombie!) I can keep up with the graveyard-shift timings of the programmes now, but it's become a tiring process, where I sleep late into the day. You can feel your biological clock in a mess. The TV is sucking me in, and is fighting with the computer for my time! And I've not even gone back to watching Anime and playing games yet! It is a scary time to become a 引き籠もり |
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