February 21, 2011

Arakawa Bridge と Highschool undead

Haha.. what am I doing here blogging instead of finding a job?

A rather cute anime that I've just finished :

Arakawa under the bridge with its equally cute opening theme :
"Venus to Jesus" by Etsuko Yakushimaru and
ending theme "Sakasama Bridge (逆様ブリッジ)" by Suneohair.

(better than the second season op.. in my opinion)

One of those non-sensical anime, it begins with a peculiar 女の子 - ニノ- self-declared 金星人 Venusian, who saved self-centered Ko-sama, who in-turn, bent on repaying her, by being her lover. hehe. Time to time, there are rare glimpses of a REAL ROCKET!! ( マジて!?!) , and the mysterious influential character that helped prevent the taking-over of the bridge (who I am guessing to be the kappa-mayor), which kept me anticipating. It is a Gintama-みたい show, with the usual ridiculous personalities that the characters will have, absurb humour. But plots are usually meaningless for this kind of genre, *spoiler* don't bother thinking how it will end, because they won't even finish what they set out to tell(maybe in the manga they do). You will be in for lots(and lots) of disappointment from the abrupt ending, just like what I had, for so many series now...... They always end "Open-ended", maybe leaving possibilities for another season, and leaving us(the audience) lost. All the excitement building up, as they going through their make-shift astronaunt training for the venus trip... but.. comes down to nothing in the end.. Mahh, just enjoy the weekly dose of laughter I guess... くやしい けど, 我慢する!

Come down Nino-san. We can't help that the show has ended...

Zombies are all the rage now, if you would believe this article. Why makes zombie flicks so popular I wonder...? Being sort of a fan too, for the Resident Evil film series, I couldn't help but give it a deeper thought. Was it because it is something we wouldn't get(even remotely) to experience? Even world-wars don't come across as impossible as apocalyptic-zombie nightmares. Or that we are all sadists, we just love watching people in the show making difficult humane(or inhumane) decisions for survival. Like injuring a fellow companion to make your escape, taking in a wounded(also means infected) person, saving others even when it means putting yourself in danger, and all the ugly side of human beings that one can bring out with the different scenerios. Or on the other hand, it is just fun, that you can do all those things that you normally won't otherwise do in a 'normal' world, like firing guns(at people-undead that is), breaking into houses, etc.. Highschool of the Dead, anime's take on the resident evil idea. All the main characters are only highschoolers, surviving in the world ravaged with R.E. zombies and trying to make it back home to find their families. We've seen quite a lot of zombie movies, but we haven't gotten down to watch a series(anime) about it, which makes it somehow different/refreshing from the rest of the shows. Ha, even in a zombie infested world, we could still squeeze in some moe/service. And like Arakawa, don expect an ending

Nice opening of the same name as the anime : "HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD" by Kisida Kyodan & The Akebosi Rockets

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