January 23, 2010

"For you" from AZU

最近忙しい。 くそ。Have not been updating my blog, feel so bad. I was surfing around when I realised あの新人まで, Michael, has more posts than me! ( And I started at Blogger before him!! AH!!! むかつく!!)

Another six months and I can quit my job! Muhahaha (evil smile)! I have planned to rest for half a year then, or if my savings end (whichever comes first). Hontou no 引きこもり ni naru!

正直, watashi ちょっと不安 desu. What if I grow too comfortable to the "ひきこもり道", and can't come out of it! Abunai desho... But a break is really necessary(for me). 必要だ! 賭けてだ!

And this entry was made a week ago, I only completed it now. AHHh!!!

I've always like opening n closings of Anime, they are creative and fun products from the anime. The new Shippuden closing is one. (In case anybody didn't notice, time-line-wise, they isn't any time they are all of the same age together!! Thats what it makes this a little special...)

I haven't heard of AZU before this song. Paisei hehe. Nice voice, the whole ending theme experience is good, overall.

I am guessing the animators have some form of freedom over the openings and ending themes(more than the more-profit-driven-content-main-show itself). Why do I say that? 1. Some of trial-and-errors are great success, like e.g. "Don't say lazy!" and "Hare hare Yukai", that propelled the seiyuus or singers to overnight sensations and 2. Quite a lot are experiments-gone-wrong that really sucks!(I will not name examples here to protect the companies involved..LOL.... ) To further explain what I meant, when a manga proved its worth, a production company turns it into an Anime(normally the case). Even without the economic downturn, though big, the anime industry isn't doing very well. Where profit margins are concerned, in this society, there is lesser room for mistakes. The main story is already there, the studios are only animating the plot. What's left are the openings and ending themes for the animators to play around. This is all my speculations though.

My Ani-son article re-cap!

1 comment:

  1. 新人をなめるな!! ひきこもりオタクをなめるな!!
    The contents for my blog posts are usually through jp sources. It can be interesting to see what comes up. Figures, anime-related, j-pop etc
